How to use the HOT Toolbox

The HOT Toolbox is designed to take a project manager or community through the entire mapping workflow, from planning, through initial mapping, data use and analysis. Not every mapping project is the same. Some projects involve extensive field data collection components, others might not even conduct field mapping activities but run desktop-based digitization projects instead.

The Toolbox has eight sections (overview below) that can be used in the order presented, or combined to suit your individual project training needs.

If you do not want to go through each section, use the left-hand navigation, or the search bar to look for a particular guide.

If you are not sure where to begin a project use the 1.1. Defining Needs and Requirements section to find a workflow that best suits your project’s goals and resources. It will guide you through the defining scope of the project and understand the larger context in which the data is needed.

Overview of the Toolbox Sections

  1. Introduction to Designing a Field Mapping Project provides readers with an introduction to the components that project managers should consider and take into account before beginning their mapping projects.
  2. Introduction to Technical Setup for Field Mapping provides project managers with the technical steps for selecting which mobile data collection application is best for their project, setting up those applications (such as ODK and FMTM) for use in the field, and whether or not data collection servers are necessary for their project.
  3. Introduction to Participatory Mapping with OpenStreetMap provides project managers with guides on managing the digitization process and which remote mapping tools are best for a project.
  4. Field Mapping Management provides steps and guides for field mappers and supervisors to use mobile data collection applications, as well as providing tips for managing teams in the field.
  5. Data Quality Assurance covers the process of taking field-mapped data through cleaning and uploading to OpenStreetMap while ensuring strong data quality.
  6. Data Export Tools covers the various tools used for exporting data from OpenStreetMap and which tools are best for different use cases.
  7. Data Use and Analysis provides an introduction to how data can be turned into effective maps for decision-making.
  8. Use case in Field Mapping Management and Open Data Usage provides an example of how open mapping activity can be used to support the project as well as during certain scenarios (i.e. disaster response).

Toolbox Guides and Resources

Sections in this toolbox contain different types of guides, depending on their user and purpose. We’ve made it easy to determine the type of guide or resource with the following icons.

This icon represents presentation slides that can be used to lead a training or workshop.

This icon represents step-by-step instructions that are designed to serve as self-paced material that can be used both during trainings, and by self-guided learners.

This icon represents guides that are designed to assist project managers with making decisions that impact project design and implementation.

This icon indicates additional resources that are recommended for reading outside of the HOT Toolbox. These may or may not be resources created by or in partnership with HOT.

This icon indicates additional resources that are recommended for watching outside of the HOT Toolbox. These may or may not be resources created by or in partnership with HOT.